Blog Posts

Keratoconus x Dating: The Sequel
Navigating love, expectations, and societal pressure in your thirties can feel overwhelming - especially when everyone seems to have an opinion about your timeline. In this deeply personal reflection, I share my journey of self-discovery, resilience, and the realization that love isn’t about rushing or settling - it’s about finding something real. Whether you're single, in-between, or questioning your path, this one’s for you.
Keratoconus x Work
I wanted to touch on this topic because there are so many obstacles that one may face when having a non-visible disability and working for other people. It’s important to be aware of what you may face when working.
Keratoconus x Support
Now let’s get into it. As it’s Valentine's Day it’s only right I steer this post towards the most powerful force of all… Yerp! The big L ….

Keratoconus x Surprise! It’s a…
When I started this blog two years ago, my mission was clear - to provide answers, hope, and a guiding light for those navigating life with a Keratoconus (KC) diagnosis. But wait, hold your horses! My last post, ‘Keratoconus and The future’ was just the beginning. Get ready for me to spill more tea.

The Future
“Can you live a normal life with Keratoconus?”

Keratoconus x Makeup
Before being diagnosed I loved makeup especially when it came to recreating different eye looks. Then a few years after my diagnosis I decided to stop wearing because I wanted nothing to come close to my eyes. I feared…..

My Eyecare Routine
I’ll discuss how I care for my Scleral Lenses, the products I use for storing, cleaning and insertion, tools where I get my tools, and much more…..
Keratoconus x Dating
Now that we’ve covered most of the “serious” topics about my experience and life with Keratoconus (KC). I think it’s time to dive into my dating experiences while dealing with the disease.
Livin’ with KC in the Caribbean
Sometimes I feel as though I am the only person in the Caribbean with Keratoconus. I wouldn’t wish KC on anyone, however, I must admit that it’ll be fun to have someone to vent with…

Livin’ with Advanced Keratoconus
This post is all about my current life with Advanced Keratoconus. If you don’t already know, I’ve had Keratoconus for almost ten years now….
Where it all started…
Welcome to my Keratoconus World! I am honored that you’ve decided to explore this journey with me..

Contact Lens Journey (Part I)
There are a few types of lenses that are made for Keratoconus so that people could continue to live a semi-normal life. My first pair of lenses I tried were RGP; they’re these tiny hard contact lenses…

Contact Lens Journey (Part II)
The moment I stepped foot outside of the hospital, I saw how the world actually looked. Everything was so vivid and crisp. I felt like a kid, constantly tugging on my mother’s arm telling her everything I was able to see…..

Contact Lens Journey (Part III)
Ever since my journey with Keratoconus commenced, all I could long for was a doctor - one doctor who would just give a shit. I don’t want to go too in-depth of the other doctors I’ve met after Doctor #6. It’ll be too drawn out and boring…